Berck called our cable company Adelphia as soon as we discovered that the server in our apartment was inaccessible. We have a dynamic IP address (which means it moves around) with our cable plan, because to get a static IP address would have cost a ridiculous amount of money. However, our IP address hadn’t changed…
Berck declared that we had to do laundry yesterday, because it had been 5 days and he was out of underwear. Fortunately, the house’s new washer and dryer were being delivered. The refrigerator also arrived, so now we can keep the few remaining cans of Dr Pepper inside it. Unfortunately, the refrigerator wouldn’t make ice….
Berck and I spent the night at the new house last night. I had to literally make our bed. We got up and fortified ourselves on salt & vinegar potato chips, the breakfast of champions, and set to work on the car. Berck decided to get some sanding pads to clean the gasket sealer off…