“Cockpit Systems Integration,” today, whatever that is. Two more days of ground school, as far as I can tell. My oral exam is scheduled for March 26th in Phoenix as well. I’ll come home Thursday evening and go back on Tuesday, I think. I’m slowly inching closer to an airplane. I checked the weather in…
Here’s a little conspiracy theory for your Monday morning. I’m not entirely sure I buy it, but it sure is plausible.
Last weekend we took a jaunt to the Seattle area. My sister Stephanie and her family just moved up there right after Christmas. They live on the Kitsap Peninsula, just south of Bremerton and across the Puget Sound from Seattle. Nathan carpools with one of us coworkers every day to work driving an hour south…
My Mom was complaining that she never thinks to read my blog, but she wants to. Rather than explaining RSS feeds to her, I just installed a plugin that will let you subscribe to the blog and get email updates. Note that you need to actually have an account on Our Dumb Blog already. If…