Ever since the new windows were installed, the junkos fly into them, making a loud thunking sound. The cat has gotten fat once he realized he could hang out by the house and have some fast food delivered to his feet. This junko got lucky, though, and landed next to the ironically named “Kitty.” The…
The Democrats finally found some chutzpah. Finally, they’re standing up to Dubya with something more than a non-binding resolution. It’s nice to see government actually working. Of course, the bill they passed will never pass the Senate, and even if it did, the president will not sign it. But that’s fine and good. The point…
Words I Still Can’t Spell: Guarantee Independent Separate Warranty Gauge Words I can spell, but have to think about: Disappear Maintenance I also have a small issue where I’m apt to type the wrong word for “then/than,” but I really do know the difference. And I intentionally use the more obscure meanings of affect/effect in…
Finally! I’ve got CSI (two days of ground school) in Phoenix on 19-20 March. My oral exam is not yet scheduled, but should be shortly after that. My simulator training will be 8-18 April in St. Louis. Woohoo!
Photos from our weekend in Seattle are up in the gallery.