It looks like I’m back on reserve next bid period. It seems that 5 folks senior to me transferred into JFK from other bases. This stinks. I’m seriously considering going to ORD in order to hold a line. There are 73 lines there, and I’d be 54. But, to do so, I’d have to go…
Mesa Air Group press release. This likely means that my days flying out of JFK are numbered.
Berck got me a hummingbird feeder and hung it for me outside the study window. There it sat, very lonely, for a couple of months. If hummingbirds don’t know where a feeder is already, they have to discover it. Finally, I heard the unmistakable jingling of a male hummer. I didn’t look up at first…
A couple of weeks ago, I arrived at work to find Michele complaining about how one of her new yearling ewes was attacked. She was still alive but not in great shape. I helped Michele catch her to give her a dose of penicillin. She had a puncture in her rear leg that was oozing…
So, in case you haven’t noticed, it’s come to light that Fox news has essentially been saying whatever the White House wants them to say. Why doesn’t Fox just come out and say, “News for and by crazy neo-conservatives!”, or “News the President wants you to know!”? My favorite bit is that Bill O’Reilly claimed…