Which would you believe? Oh, I know which one you want to believe. But that’s the same as believing Obama thinks there are 57 states. He said so himself!
So, Newsweek has been doing a behind-the-scenes thing at both campaigns, with the promise that they couldn’t reveal anything until the campaign was over. There’s some crazy stuff on both sides, but the best is about Palin and the shopping thing. Jonah insisted that they felt the need to buy her clothes because they were…
from Bruce Perens at Technocrat. What do you think Obama should do now? Don’t be sworn in on the White House steps. Move the ceremony to the Lincoln Memorial, where Martin Luther King spoke 40 years previously. Title: Fulfill the Dream. Lessig for Attorney General. Not at all sure we’ll get that, but it is…
As Todd says, “I hope McCain wins Missouri so everyone will shut up about how it’s a bellwether.” They’re looking at the wrong thing. The real bellwether? No presidential candidate I’ve voted against has ever won an election. So there.