If this is true, it looks like Obama is not a fan of daylight saving time. This is a very good sign. If he actually helps get rid of DST and accomplishes nothing else, I’ll be content having voting for him. Hell, It’d probably be enough to make me vote for him again.

Looks seriously promising as compared to Dubya’s dumb-ass move of extending DST, which has cost the country billions and benefited pretty much no one except COBAL programmers.

14 responses to “Obama and DST”

  1. Nathan Avatar

    But I LIKE having extra sunlight!

  2. Nathan Avatar

    What are you, a vampire?

  3. Jonah Avatar

    Yes, yes, he is. Why else would he keep ordering SPF 40 from Canada?

  4. Berck Avatar

    You do know that there’s no extra sunlight during DST, right?

    (I once heard a woman at home depot complaining about how DST was killing her grass.)

  5. Nathan Avatar

    There are more hours of sunlight after 5pm, which is all I care about.

  6. Berck Avatar

    Then you shouldn’t mind if we make DST year-round.

  7. Nathan Avatar

    How do you know which state they’re going to pick?

    Oh, and your CAPTCHAs suck.

  8. Berck Avatar

    Why aren’t you just logged in?

  9. Berck Avatar

    Okay, I made them even easier. A monkey can read them now.

  10. Nathan Avatar

    I could read them just fine. But at least half the time it would not agree that what I typed matched what was displayed.

  11. captchas Avatar

    Ahh. That’s because they’re case sensitive.

  12. captchas Avatar

    Okay, there. Now I added a note that explains it’s case sensitive, and to make it even easier I made it all lower-case letters and numbers. with no lower case l, so you don’t get confused. See what happens when you leave more useful bug reports?

  13. captchas Avatar

    And, now there’s no O/0 confusion, either.

  14. Berck Avatar

    Because DST is different than Standard Time. Many countries (Russia, I think?) have offset time zones, which amount to year-round DST. The USA has done DST year-round before (WWII). People tend to not like it in the winter.

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