Michele’s foot hasn’t been doing well. I talked to her on the phone today. She said cheerily that it looked like they’d only have to amputate a third of her foot. “But there’s a vein of black going all the way up to my ankle,” she said. “And when I say it’s black, it’s not…
I’m sure you guys are tired of endless shots of pike’s peak from the air, but hey, taking and publishing them is free. More on the gallery.
As I was preparing to walk out to my plane from dispatch this morning, someone called my attention to a runway diagram on the desk. Runway 16L/34R was closed today and we were to use 16C/34C instead. They explained that if we were using the south runway, we should do our runup on runway 8-26,…
Here’s a little video of my student practicing a power off stall and recovery. While you can’t hear me talking, you can hear the engine and the stall warning horn. She starts off in landing configuration in a stabilized descent at our nomal approach speed of 65 knots, and the power at idle. She then…
Okay, some more work photos are up. I’m not thrilled with most of them, but considering that I was instructing students while they were taken…. I was paying more attention to the students than the photographing:)