Jonah picked a cheap diner for lunch that’s been around for decades, but which we’ve never been to. The parking lot was mostly unusable because the roof was being replaced. There were roofers on the roof, a vat of tar out front, shingles everywhere, and everything smelled like tar. We picked a seat and sat…
Well, today was my first day of training for my new position. We went through all the open cases and discussed what stage they are in. I answered the phone a few times and was able to help one guy with answering his interrogatories presented by Respondents. I’ve pretty much done everything that I need…
A company here in Colorado Springs has bought the company my dad works for, and today he accepted the new company’s offer to work for them…here! So he and mom are coming out here mid July to look for a house. Of course, they now have TWO houses to sell because they bought Nathan and…
Joanna apparently has company coming over tonight, but I’ll write more soon.