I just got back from my first flight in the Beechcraft Duchess. Much fun.

Unfortunately, I’ve only got a total of 5 more lessons followed by a check ride. Yes, I’m supposed to be able to learn to fly it in 6 lessons.

Mostly, I’ll be working on how to fly it on only one engine. Today was just basic familiarization with the airplane. There’s a bit to get used to with two engines. The big difference was getting used to a significantly bigger, heavier and faster airplane. It’s also the first low-wing airplane I’ve flown, and without an engine directly in front, it’s quite a different view. For example, when in the pattern on downwind, you can’t see the runway at all– the engine and wing cover it up.

But it’s much more stable and responsive. It’s not a rudder hog like the 172-RG, both because it’s got an adequately sized rudder and with two counter-rotating props so there’s no really obnoxious P-factor.

It was so different than flying a Cessna, I felt like I was a brand new pilot again. We did slow flight, steep turns, and stalls. Stalls in a twin are only done until they’re “immenent”, because there’s the fear that a full stall could develop in a spin. The FAA does not require twin engine aircraft to be spin-tested, and their spin recovery abilities are unknown and generally very poor. So it’s alltogether best if you avoid spinning one. Steep turns were amazingly easy. Slow flight requires a bit more attention to detail, but since the plane is so stable it’s not that hard.

So, in less than two weeks I should be multi-engine rated. I’m also starting flight instructor ground school on Monday. Sure would be nice if I could finish it all up in a month.

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