Tomorrow we’ve got a test on all of the boring stuff so far. If I pass it, I get to start systems class on Monday. If I flunk it, I get to pack my bags and go home.

I’m not terribly worried, though certainly anxious. This’ll be brief because it’s 10pm, and class is early tomorrow at 10am, and I don’t plan on staying up too late. I’ve been keeping up with the studying so far, assuming I’m reading the signals right about what’s going to be tested.

From talking to folks who have been around awhile, there’s a huge backlog of students waiting for the simulators. So, assuming I pass the test tomorrow, and another one in three weeks, and pass an oral exam after that, I could have a couple months off. Paid, with flight benefits. One guy just started the sims this week and had finished ground school in July. He said, “Yup, just been flying around the world. I get up in the morning, hop on an empty plane.” Not a bad gig if you can get it.

The serious down side to all this time, is that the simulator portion of the training is where most people wash out, and it’s substantially harder after a long break from ground school. Without using it, all that information goes away, even if you try to study.

So, if I pass my tests and you live in an interesting place somewhere near an airport with any sort of airplane I can ride on (and I’ll be able to ride on anything, including FedEx and UPS), you might be hearing from me:)

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