A post from Three Jews, Four Opinions makes some interesting points. Mostly it asks the question that while Jewish law clearly forbids homosexuality, does that mean that Jews should vote to ban homosexual marriage in California law? The overwhelming answer is no.
This gets to the heart of my frustration of Christian intolerance. While Jews have some very crazy religious laws, they don’t seek to codify any of those laws into civic statute. Christians, on the other hand, believe that if something is immoral it should be illegal. I’ve often been inclined to think that it’s the very nature of the religious to attempt to impose religion into government, but on further reflection, I think it’s just Christians. Muslims certainly do this in Islamic nations, but I’ve never seen an American Muslim make any real effort to include their crazy laws into American law.
And that right there is intolerance: a refusal to tolerate the differing beliefs, rights and practices of others. Why, if Jesus preached tolerance, are Christians such an intolerant lot?
The linked post above also basically makes the point that I’ve made all along: Government has no place in marriage.
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