Since Jonah didn’t come and amuse me, I spent my day off in the pub. Literally. I had many Caesars and pints of harp. I thought Caesars were just Canuckian Bloody Mary’s, but apparently they’ve got sort of clam juice in them too. I had 3 of them before someone pointed this out to me, so obviously I don’t mind. It does explain the flavor that I couldn’t quite account for. It doesn’t taste like clams, though.

I’ve never spent over 11 hours in a pub before, that’s got to be some sort of record. Rob, my sim partner from last year, accompanied me. We were just planning on getting lunch, but we didn’t have anything else to do, or anywhere to go, so we just stayed. There’s not much motivation to go downtown in weather like this. It stops raining occasionally, but the skies have been overcast continuously since I arrived. It’s been an entire work week, and I have yet to actually see the sun. The forecast is for more of the same.

My sim partner failed his oral for the second time last night, so he’s being sent home. I’m not sure what his fate will be, but the important part is that he’s no longer my sim partner. This is a very good, welcome, thing. I now have no sim partner, which is fine. It means that my instructor will be both running the sim and my non-flying pilot, which is fine. Tonight, though, one of the girls that was having some trouble asked if she could be my non-flying pilot. I magnanimously relayed the request, and it was approved. We went through callouts together, and she seems to have a pretty good grasp of what’s going on, so it’s a big improvement over my last partner.

Tonight’s the sign-off lesson for non-precision approaches… wish me luck! Assuming I pass, the hard stuff starts tomorrow….

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