Maybe the sun’s light will be dim
It won’t matter anyhow
I’ve taken my station at Boris’ keyboard again. The cat, tonight, is trying his best to attack my socks. Unfortunately, the socks are still on my feet.ww22222222222222223344444444
He makes his way up to the desk and onto the keyboard. Now he’s peering into the darkness outside my window, perhaps trying to figure out why the heat pump makes so much noise.
It’s funny how everything becomes a treasure when you have nothing.
We watched Dangerous Minds at Nathan and Andrew’s apartment tonight. The boys sent Emily, Steph, and me to Delchamps to rent one. We finally picked one we said we hadn’t seen. bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbnnn,kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkm (darn cat), guessing that neither of the boys had. Turns out Steph had watched it with BOTH of them already. Steph isn’t a good one to pick out movies. Of course, her personal favorites are G rated films about animals. Since Nathan had already seen it, he wasn’t a very good viewer, especially after the coffee and cookies. We joke about him not being able to last an hour through a movie before he starts talking and making noises and otherwise being obnoxious. This time it wasn’t even 30 minutes. He eventually went back into his bedroom, so Steph, of course, followed. Movies are a low priority on her list. Nathan started playing some REALLY loud 311 on his stereo or whatever he has that makes music back there. Andrew went back and closed the door. As he came back, I muttered, “I suppose it’s okay. They are engaged.”
“Actually, it’s kind of a relief that they are engaged now. They can do whatever they want, and I don’t care anymore. I’m not sure if I should have before. Am I caring? Or just anal? A fine line exists between the two, I suppose.u8y
Late at night is a good time to do some soul searching.
The dark night of the soul.
Or the long, dark tea-time.
The cat just knocked over my jar containing acorns. He seems bound and determined to roll it over the edge of my desk, shoving a pile of things onto the floor with it.
I’m taking Constitutional Law next semester.
I throw the cat to the ground. He was getting just a little disruptive among the chaos that is my desk top.
The movie was about caring. A woman that cared enough to enter the lives of her problem students. Why care? At the end, her smoker friend who also teaches there says in answer to the question why he keeps teaching, “Why do I smoke? Because I’m crazy, I guess.”
That cat is back up on my desk, trying desperately to get the acorns out of the jar. They say you can catch a monkey by putting a stone through a hole into an empty coconut. The monkey grabs hold of the stone, but his hand is now too large to pull back out. He’ll get caught rather than give up the stone. A worthless trifle, yet he’ll trade his freedom, his life, for it.
The cat is now in the process of eating my shoe. Fortunately, the shoe is not on my foot.
The content sheet of the tape I’m listening to lies upside down on top of my desk, among the other things strewn atop it. It’s probably the safest place for it.
Mom and I went shopping for a filing cabinet today. We found a nice, oak one at Oak Express, but it was 200 dollars. I guess I’ll just use cardboard boxes until I can find one cheaper than that. I mean, I could get a used, loud, flimsy metal one for 30 or so, but why?
I keep yawning, so I suppose I’ll go to bed. Maybe the cat will finally calm down.
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