I’m listening to Berck fly.

You can too here. I don’t get to hear him very often because he’s usually flying while I’m working. But today he flew at 6:30 p.m. after he picked me up for work.

The air traffic controller in the tower tonight sounds like quite a character. You’re not supposed to chit-chat on the radio, but he’s been flirting with the girls and admonishing the guys up in the air tonight. All within the bounds of what he’s supposed to be saying, of course. I can’t understand a lot of what anyone says…it’s too fuzzy and distorted or quiet. And even when I CAN make out what they’re saying, I still have no idea what it means. It’s an endless combination of numbers and letters and plane types, with some recognizable phrases like “Cleared to land” and “Request touch and go.”

Even as hard it is to make out anything, I can still recognize Berck’s voice, even before he identifies himself as (some number) Alpha Victor. I didn’t hear much of him tonight, just requesting to land. The tower seemed to have some snide remark after he landed, but I couldn’t make out it or Berck’s response. I think he was commenting on how bad Berck’s landing was. I’ll have to ask Berck when he gets home.